War & disasters – 8. sep. 2019 – at. 06:28 Dorian goes in the country of Canada with fierce gusts and waves

Storms continues to raze the southern and eastern UNITED states after having left the 76,000 in desperate need for relief in the Bahamas. Even for the ‘hurricane season’, as the inhabitants of that part of the world have become accustomed to live under the between 1. June 30. november each year, has Dorian been something for themselves.

at Least 43 people have also lost their lives during the hurricane Dorians destruction, and Dorian has also cost lives in Puerto Rico and Florida in the course of its travel.

Now is it on the way up the east coast, where Fox News reports about floods of biblical proportions in North Carolina. It has been demoted to a so-called category 1 hurricane, the lowest on the scale. But it started higher on category 5, and it was near to blow up the scale, as it may kissed a wind speed of 90 meters per second.

Hurricane Dorian was one of the voldsommeste ever. But in the future it will perhaps not be remembered as something unique. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

But we have not seen the worst yet. At least not if you ask the Norwegian Tore Furevik, director at the Bjerknes centre for climate research.

Science says that the strongest (hurricanes, red.) will be even stronger than before, says Tore Furevik to the Norwegian Newspaper.

here the reader may have heard before, but Furevik believe that the increase in hurricanes is probably due to global warming.

the Scientists say with great clarity that there is a correlation between a warmer climate and stronger hurricanes, says Furevik.

He also refers to the UN klimapanels report from last year. The hotter it gets around in the world, the larger an area will potentially be at risk to experience the same kind of storms, as, for example, has experienced on the u.s. coast.

He explains to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, that it initially requires a water temperature of 26 to 27 degrees to form hurricanes, as the evaporation from water surface is what really sets fut in a hurricane.

– this is The first time they affirm, that there is a big sandsynlgihed for the strongest hurricanes is associated with global oppvarming. They’ll even stronger as a result of warmer waters. You get a larger area, which has a high enough temperature to form hurricanes, says Furevik.