a case of A bagagemedarbejder in SAS Ground Handling has given rise to a debate about free fagforeningsvalg.
Aarhus Stilladsmedarbejderklub has made clear that it does not believe there is free fagforeningsvalg. It is now supported by Murersvendenes Brancheklub in the north of Jutland, who has written a posting on Facebook.
– When it comes to the question of how we as construction workers, organizes us, the answer is quite clear, that one doesn’t decide where you want to be organized, says in the advertisement.
– In our murersjak we have not someone who is disorganized, who is going to be with the tasks we have, explains Emil Olsen, president of the Murersvendenes Brancheklub in the north, to Ritzau.
It is also written on behalf of the Land – and Betonarbejderne, Murerarbejdsmændenes Club north of Jutland, as well as a Carpenter, and a Tributary to the Brancheklub in Aalborg.
Emil Olsen, president of the Murersvendenes Brancheklub in denmark, elaborates:
– In our murersjak we have not someone who is disorganized, who is going to be with the tasks we have.
– The wages and prices that we get are some rights, which we collectively have had and which we collectively cherish, he says, and adds:
– For our part, it is that murersvende they must be in 3F.
See also: Media: 3F ignored the threats against relief for weeks
Bagagepersonalet at SAS Ground Handling has this week been in vogue, because they have been on strike overenskomststridigt three times. Dissatisfaction is bound to a temporary worker has not wanted to join in 3F. He is a member of the union of the IDA.
– I am sure that they have had a long journey, where they sensibly have explained this unorganized employee, that it is the smartest and severally liable to the same trade union, as they are.
– It has somehow escalated. It has the aktioneret against. I have seen okay sympathy for the people they take when they find that there is something which is not, as it should be, he says.
A judgment by The European Court of human rights struck in 2006, the firm, that employees are free to choose which union they want to be a member of.
See also: After the threats and invective: Vanopslagh hiver minister in the consultation
Question: So can you not go in and determine that you must be with in 3F?
– We determine not. We have a perception that it is best to stand in the same place, and we are in the same place. And we try of course to help people get an understanding of it, ” says Emil Olsen.
Question: What if an employee with you will not be in 3F?
– It’s not going to happen, that there comes a disorganized check in my work teams. We have colleagues from a conception about, that when we work together, we also organized in the same place.