– I do not recommend that all overweight girls to sign up. It’s plastikmareridt’ – it becomes a nightmare!

So cash is the announcement from the 44-year-old Diana, after she has been with in the ‘My plastikmareridt’ on TV3.

She participated in the hope again to get a trip under the knife, when she, after a previous operation for the excess belly skin had been left with a result, she is far from satisfied with the.

the Stomach, that got Diana to sign up for the program. Photo: TV3

Diana had to go crestfallen home, as the doctors believed they could help her.

– They say that the reason I went ahead was that I had to learn to accept I will never have a body like a 21-year-old, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

– It gives the just like itself, so I think it is a bad argument to use for the doctors.

See also: After the TV3 program: Affected by the dreaded disease

the Rejection train hard on Diana, who subsequently had to fight himself back to a normal life.

I went on after the program, because I went and was sorry. I was depressed because I had hoped that I got a little more out of it than I did, she says.

Diana is among other things upset over that in the program do not get to know that it was side effects from the medications, which she took strongly in the and had to have surgery for the excess belly skin.

She is also not happy with having to go two whole years, from the programme was recorded, it was sent.

– I feel I have been taken for a ride and manipulated, she observes.

See also: Tascha happy: My crooked tits are addressed

today Diana much better and have also lost the pounds, she took on after his participation in the program.

– I had to take the spoon in the other hand and say: Fuck the up again and again, she says.

– I have been in the process of a lifestyle change. I eat healthy and trainer. I’ve got a coach over, which helps me to work out the right way.

One should therefore not expect to see her return to the ‘My plastikmareridt’ provisionally.

– They take only those who should have made tits, she says.

Ekstra Bladet has presented Diana’s criticism of the programme for TV3. Mette Barnes, head of communications at CHRONICALLY Group Denmark, which owns the channel, write the following:

‘We always try to be true to fact and rocks are not our participants to be something they are not or believe something they do not believe. However, it is not always that there is space to get all the details in the final program – but we are always true to reality’.

To the criticism that there is been two years from the recording of the program being sent, the writing program director Kenneth Kristensen:

‘We have very many strong formats, we must have space for – and that means that we sometimes have to move around on our programmes.’