After comment: Tulle casts doubt on support to Ellemann

The udlændingepolitiske toner from the Left, and particularly president Jacob Ellemann-Jensen ahead of this weekend’s national convention get the Danish people’s party chairman, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, to question Ellemann as automatic cabinet.

It writes Berlingske Saturday.

– We will allow us to do away with the practice of automatically just point to the Liberal party president, says Kristian Thulesen Dahl to the newspaper.

Kristian Thulesen Dahl believes that an interview in Weekendavisen with Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, has created doubt about whether the Left will stand for a strict immigration policy.

In the interview makes V-president it is clear that the people who come to Denmark as a result of, for example, the conflict in Syria, as the “starting point” must be returned to their country of origin when the conflict is over.

See also: Inger determines the

He makes it clear that the conflict hardly ends the interim. And as he says:

– If there has been conflict in the home country in 15 or 20 years, and people have children who have grown up here, it makes so sense to talk about return to the country of origin, or do not do it.

And the interpretation is not pleasing to the DF’s president. He believes that hjemsendelsespolitikken covers, to all who have come to Denmark to seek protection, must be returned when the conflict in their homeland is over.

Kristian Thulesen Dahl makes it clear that it can ultimately be a question of whether he sees Jakob Ellemann-Jensen as suitable to be prime minister.

– the thing is, this is why we have said that we would change the attitude in relation to the cabinet, he says.

At the Left communicate to the political rapporteur, Sophie Løhde in a written answer to Ritzau, that you have a basic good cooperation with the Danish people’s Party.

– I hear nothing new in it, as Kristian Thulesen Dahl says. It is said he also of the Danish people’s party sommergruppemøde, standing there.

She points out that the Left strives for a balance between attracting skilled foreign labour and to “keep track of asyltilstrømningen”.

– It also means that if you are fleeing from war, death and destruction in the home member state, should be the starting point to turn back, when the situation is over. And while you are in Denmark, you must work and take part in the society one is in, says Sophie Løhde.

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