Activist will smash stop: do not Go as planned

– Rise your voice against the government, not your country’s skattebetalte values.

– People should be allowed to protest against a wrong policy.

– But taxpayers must be respected.

How to write Manjit N in a Facebook-comment about the covered activists on Saturday went in to smash a bustoppested, as the yellow jackets marked the one-year anniversary of the protests against the government in Paris.

But even though a number of activists went to the attack on the stagnant busskur and used iron rods, stones and their own bodies – they had to give up.

– But it is impossible, says one of the rioters on the road away from the steadfast shed, and on the web it is now speculated in, on the video is a covert advertisement for panzerglas-bus stops and whatever else you could use as hard glass for:

– Why do they not telefonskærme of the kind of glass, ask the user bagoffishstix on so, but what are you thinking?

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