Every day in the four years that have passed since 23-year-old Chastity Patterson from the u.s. state of Arkansas lost her father, she has written a sms to his phone number.

on Friday she had her life’s biggest shock, as number, encoded in her phone as ‘DADDY <3' suddenly replied to her last message.

‘Hey dad, it’s ME. Tomorrow will be another hard day!’ she had written in a long and touching message in which she told about many of life’s difficult battles, missing after the danger and to have overcome a cancer diagnosis.

As all the other times when she had used his father’s old number to write about his life, expected she is not a reply. So since the phone anyway with a beep announcing a message from ‘DADDY <3' she thought first, not his own eyes.

‘Hello, sweetheart, I’m not your father, but I’ve got all of your messages the last four years. I look forward to your morgenbeskeder and your evening updates. I called Brad, and I lost my daughter in a car accident in august 2014, and your messages kept me alive. When you write to me, I know, it is a message from god’, it sounded in the answer, as Chastity Patterson Friday, shared on his Facebook profile, where well over a quarter of a million have shared the touching story.

‘I am sorry that you have lost the one you had so dear, but I have listened to you through all these years and seen you grow and go through more than most. I have wanted texting you back for several years, but I would not risk to crush your heart, continues the message from the unknown Brad, who also commends her on her way to grow on. In the message he calls Chastity Patterson for his ‘angel’ after the loss of his own daughter in a fatal accident.

‘You are an amazing woman, and I wish my daughter could have been for a woman like you, thank you for your daily updates, you remind me of, that god exists, and that it was not his fault that I lost my little girl’.

After the picture of the two texting went viral on Facebook, has Chastity shared a number of updates. Here thank she all that have shared the story and have been touched to tears over it. In one of the updates she explains that the danger, Jason Ligons, was not her biological father – but he was the father figure, which throughout her childhood had cared for her.

He missed never a school dance, the prom, my struggles, and YES, he talked a lot with me about my language and my attitude.