A voter who has exercised his right to vote on May 28 at the Padre Méndez polling station in Almería capital, has introduced three envelopes into the ballot box at the same time, which has led to paralyzing voting.

The National Police has identified the person and the Electoral Board has resolved that, at the close of election day, two envelopes be drawn at random before counting begins.

This was reported by the Government delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández, who stressed that voting at this polling station resumed at 9:20 a.m. and, after this incident, voting has continued as normal.

Fernández, has highlighted that the 3,782 Andalusian polling stations and 10,281 polling stations are working “one hundred percent” in this community, where 14 incidents that he considers “minor” have been registered, including a “simulated” bomb in La Línea de la Concepción ( Cádiz) that has been immediately withdrawn by the Police.

In statements to journalists in Baza (Granada), after exercising his right to vote, the delegate explained that the majority of “small incidents” -especially taking into account the large number of tables that Andalusia has- have been due to delays and delays because some members were not at the scheduled time, or the initial lack of the electoral roll.

In the specific case of La Línea de la Concepción, there has been a “kind of threat of an alleged bomb” in a school yard, which was “totally simulated” and which the police immediately withdrew so that it could be opened with “absolute normality”.

In the province of Granada, difficulties have also arisen between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. because many of the members of the polling stations have appeared without identification or the documentation for which they had been designated, for which reason it has been resolved with substitutes or the representatives of the Administration have assigned the functions when they do not agree.

At the Linares-Baeza polling station, in Linares (Jaén), the removal of a party’s advertising has been requested because it was located on the lampposts of the avenue where the polling station is located, less than 50 meters away.

This circumstance has been communicated and has been withdrawn immediately, although voting has been stopped for 45 minutes, so that college will close its doors at 8:45 p.m.

Fernández has highlighted the speed with which the tables have been set up, especially in the province of Almería, where at 9:01 a.m. they were all ready, as in Granada, while Córdoba and Seville have finished their processes around 9:30 am after solving the small incidents presented.

According to the delegate, in cases where there has been a delay in the opening of the voting, the Zone Electoral Boards have determined that it will close with the same delay, so that the same delay time that has been added will be added. registered, starting at 8 pm.

More than 20,200 members of the security forces and bodies, together with 4,907 representatives of the Administration, watch over this day for the proper development of the elections, to which almost 6.5 million Andalusians are called to vote.

Fernández has made reference to the coincidence of this electoral Sunday with the Romería del Rocío, the most important pilgrimage in Europe and where there are 3,300 troops from the State security forces and bodies deployed, especially in the Village, where efforts have had to be doubled to attend both events in parallel.