The Albondón City Council, in the Alpujarra of Granada, has organized a snack with its elders to celebrate its festivities in honor of Saint Louis, in which it has given a bottle of liquor to the men and a cup with a cloth to the women.

The Albondón party program has included, like other years, a meeting with their elders and a snack to honor them, in which gifts have been made for the attendees differentiated by sex.

This San Luis 2023, the City Council governed by José Sánchez (PSOE) has opted to deliver “sexist” gifts, according to the PP spokesman in Albondón, Francisco del Castillo.

The men received a bottle of liquor while the women received a cloth.

“It is incomprehensible and out of place”, summed up Del Castillo, who has acknowledged his disbelief at the gesture of a socialist government, “precisely they, who are the ones who are proclaiming every day that they are the standard bearers of gender equality”.

“It is a setback that offers a shameful image of our people,” added Del Castillo, who has asked the PSOE leadership to disapprove of the mayor’s attitude.

The mayor of Albondón issued a statement with his “sincest apologies,” acknowledging that it was “inappropriate.” “For this reason, in addition to admitting the error and apologizing, we will review all the protocols related to equality so that events like this do not happen again in our municipality,” he said.