one and a Half miles from Amalia Kristiansens apartment in Hamra, which is located in western Beirut, played it so far, bloodiest showdown in the conflict between anti-government protesters and the lebanese police say Saturday.

Community – 19. jan. 2020 – pm. 11:03 of Bloody reckoning: 400 injured during the disturbances in Lebanon

The 25-year-old Danish students on an exchange in the lebanese capital, and she is following the situation closely.

– People are talking much about it. I live with a lebanese lives, and he says that the revolution has evolved since the new year, and that there have been more wounded here in January than there were the entire time from October to the new year, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

At yesterday’s demonstrations were about 400 people wounded, and there are expected new demonstrations on Sunday.

– yesterday was extremely. It was the worst thing that has been in a long time, and the lebanese are very concerned about, to now where the military and the police are becoming more violent against the rebels, so the escalation of anger against the government, says Amalia Kristiansen.

– It is exciting and pretty wild to be a part of the history of the country, while it happens, says the 25-year-old Amalia Kristiansen, who is on exchange in Beirut. Photo: Private.

Protesters stand as a claim that the entire Lebanese political class to be removed from power. They believe that the political system is riddled with corruption.

Got tear gas in the eyes
Amalia Kristiansen tells that it was just near her apartment, to the protests in Thursday’s developed itself in a violent direction.

– When I went out on my balcony, I got tears in my eyes, because there was tear gas all over the place in the air, and it smelled of fireworks, because they smashed bank facades.

They set fire to garbage cans and smashed the facades, and it has not been in Hamra before. It used to be a peaceful area, she says.

the Article continues after the pictures …

Up to 400 people were injured during Saturday’s demonstrations. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Situation means that Amalia Kristiansens university has made about the introprogram, they usually run for exchange students.

the University has some trips for exchange students, as they usually have a fixed program, but they have chosen to schedule from day to day instead, because you do not know how the situation develops.

– They say it is not directly to us, but it is for security reasons, she says.

But she does not feel uncomfortable to move around in the city.

– It is generally a anger against the government, so I don’t feel creepy. But I’m not going to go into the demonstrations, when they are so violent, she says.