Dorian continues his rampage at the u.s. east coast and is now upgraded to a category 3 hurricane.

It informs the UNITED states’National Orkancenter (NHC) early Thursday morning local time, according to news agency Reuters.

Florida got off with barely, but then lucky is the little north the state of North Carolina does not. Here 396.000 people got an injunction to evacuate from their home because Dorian slowly approaching the state.

the Hurricane has already claimed at least 20 persons life in the Bahamas, as the hit of the weekend. It informs the Bahamas’ health minister, Duane Sands, on Wednesday, according to the newspaper the Miami Herald. The former sounded the death toll at seven.

the weekend was the up in category 5, the highest on the scale of orkaners strength. It also caused major destruction in the Bahamas.

Late Wednesday night local time was the hurricane around 170 kilometers south of Charleston in South Carolina, informs the NHC.

the Upgrade to category 3 due to the hurricane on Wednesday passed over the warm sea water, which is the single factor that has the greatest importance for a high performance strength.

Over 2.2 million people in the us states of Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia are ordered evacuated before the hurricane moves in over the country.

It is expected that the hurricane hit North Carolina during the week.