Put young people at the center. It is the roadmap of the Princess of Girona Foundation, which this Thursday presented its action plan for 2024 at the Teatro Real in Madrid. A proposal that wants to continue influencing the key axes of the foundation: education and talent / employment.

The objective of the Foundation is to “accompany youth in building their professional future” while setting the ambitious challenge of transforming society. In a context in which young people are disoriented, with the dramatic results of the PISA report and with affected emotional health, the director of the Foundation, Salvador Tasqué, has pointed out that “we must understand the concerns of young people and help them in their competencies and in their employment.” In this sense, Tasqué has outlined the projects that the foundation has underway to work on it.

The institution plans to deploy transversal content and actions that will also be present in the Talent Tour, which will start in Lleida on January 22 and will tour five Spanish cities: Salamanca (February 19 to 23), Cádiz (from February 18 to 22 March), Santander (from April 22 to 26) and Madrid (May 8 and 9). This Tour will have a novelty in the 2024 edition: the Princesa de Girona CongresFest, which will combine talks with musical performances. Furthermore, at each of the stops on this Tour one of the winners of the prizes will be announced, which will be awarded between the end of June and the beginning of July in a town in the province of Girona, explained Salvador Tasqué. Thus, the CreaEmpresa award will be announced in Lleida, the Art award in Salamanca, the Social award in Cádiz, the research award in Santander and the double category of International Award, in Madrid. 350 applications have been received from young people who are applying as winners.

The King has highlighted “how much this organization is doing for young people and the growing importance and interest it has for its honorary president, Princess Leonor, for whom the Foundation is a tool that also allows her to connect with her generation.” and approach its concerns and challenges.”

With the Teaching Generation, the Foundation gives the opportunity to a group of teaching students to acquire skills, explained Tasqué. In addition to making it possible to stay for four months in a rural school. With four generations of students underway, the director has pointed out that in 2024 this area will grow and almost double the participants, going from 30 to 50 and also leaving room for active teachers.

This year the Award of the Year will be given to CEIP Gumersindo Azcárate from León. Additionally, within this section, there is the AmplificARTE program, which uses music as a tool for transformation and emotional well-being and which has already operated in 50 centers and impacted 16,000 young people. In some cases it has served to prevent suicide, Tasqué said.

Next year, a Princess of Girona Scholarship program will be created to provide exceptional young people with access to quality training programs. Aid aimed at the community of alumni of the Foundation and also at those young people who cannot access more advanced training and who have demonstrated merit.

The foundation also works to promote employability with the Talent Generation, a program from which 12,000 young people have already benefited, facilitating the transition from training to the world of work. In order to increase the social impact of its programs, the Foundation has launched a new website that already includes the actions and activities underway.

Another novelty is the Young Advisory Council, made up of 18 young people linked to the Foundation and whose purpose is to detect, propose and work on the challenges and great challenges of youth today.