Positioning yourself on the Internet is a fundamental action for a brand and for this branding is a basic strategy, since it involves carrying out actions related to this positioning, the company’s objectives and its values ​​in a time where it is increasingly difficult stand out.

Daniel Ferrandis Lacadena, Creative Director of VRANDED Haus, considers that this is why branding is so important today: “Branding not only functions as a key element in the perception of value that we have about a product or service (which directly translates into how much we are willing to pay for it), it is also an intangible asset that can even provide enormous financial value to companies,” he explains.

Ferrandis considers that the brand is much more than an identifier: “When we talk about ‘rock stars’ like Apple, Nike or McDonalds, it is evident that the brand is their most valuable asset, but if we apply it to a small local business it is the same. important”, highlights the specialist.

For this reason, he gives as an example that “a bar becomes ‘your bar’, a hair salon becomes ‘your hair salon’ or even a football team becomes ‘your football team’, because there is a bond that we have built through of our relationship and experience with those brands” because branding “directly impacts people’s purchasing decisions.”

To achieve this “it is necessary to find a good positioning, but not to be different per se (no one wants to be different just because), being recognizable really helps us to be ‘eligible’ and from here, if we have met expectations, become a recurring decision for our clients,” he explains.

But does it make sense to look for a branding strategy in an environment as competitive as the Internet? Ferrandis is clear: “Precisely in such a saturated environment where infinite products and online stores compete for users’ attention, a good brand building exercise remains the best strategy, not only to get new customers, but to retain them and “make them loyal.”

In this sense, the expert summarizes it in a fundamental key: “A unique positioning that not only differentiates our products, but also helps us communicate our value proposition and develop an emotional bond that, like a good conversation, evolves with the environment.” time”.

Effective branding has to be rooted in a good product, as Ferrandis explains: “Although it sounds cliché, the secret of a solid brand today, without a doubt, is in the product. We live in a scenario where brands no longer control 100% of their message and we are increasingly sensitive to user-generated content (UGC), or opinions and recommendations on social networks, both from friends and content creators. or opinion leaders,” he highlights.

“In these channels our brand is diluted and our messages prepared to the millimeter from a marketing laboratory are adulterated by people’s perception and real experience. An effective branding strategy begins with knowing and understanding the product well, and then projecting and amplifying those values ​​and strengths that make it truly unique, using the codes and language that best empathize with consumers, their lifestyle, their aspirations and their needs. concerns,” says the specialist.

In relation to this fact, Ferrandis recalls that “many of the most successful and reputable brands of the moment are precisely the most honest. The new generations demand authenticity and opt for “real”, tangible and coherent brands, which is why the development of personal brands is growing so much, which serve to humanize, empathize and communicate in a more emotional and natural way.”

However, every company must take into account several concepts when betting on a specific branding strategy: “In any marketing program or studies they tell you about the top of mind, such as that inaccessible ranking when considering a product or service. where only the great giants of each sector fit. What are the brands that come to mind when you think of sneakers? Burgers? Smartphones? There is a more discreet path but with much more travel, which is the ‘top of heart’, winning the heart (one by one) of each client,” explains Ferrandis.

“This is done with a good product, a good speech and a brand experience to match. You don’t have to be number one in the world, it’s enough for a handful of the right people to choose you. Betting on branding serves to build ‘relationships’ instead of ‘transactions’, which can be much more profitable in the long term. An essential factor to protect your company’s current sales, consolidating (or at least stimulating) those of tomorrow,” she highlights.

In short, Ferrandis sums it up like this:

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