Psychopathy or psychopathic personality is an antisocial personality disorder. It is characterized by an alteration of character or social behavior and does not involve any intellectual abnormality. Patients with psychopathy (psychopaths) are people who can commit very serious criminal acts without showing any type of feeling of guilt.

It affects men more than women. Psychopaths usually lead an apparently normal life, although sometimes they go beyond that normality to carry out criminal acts that can reach the level of assaults and even murders.

The causes of psychopathy are not well defined, although it is suggested that there may be a genetic factor that may play a role. The behavior of the parents and the patient’s environment during childhood and adolescence also seems important. Many psychopaths have grown up in an environment of little attention and little affection towards them. In fact, in many cases psychopathic behavior is already seen during childhood, with continuous episodes of violence towards other schoolmates.

It is also suspected that this personality disorder sometimes has its origin in brain damage to the frontal lobe.

Psychopaths usually follow a series of guidelines that allow them to be identified. They are cold and calculating and commit all kinds of crimes and crimes without showing any hint of remorse. There are some symptoms that are common in this type of disease:

– They appear distant and oblivious to the feelings of others.

-They have a manipulative personality.

– They do not mind crossing the line of what is correct and do not follow the normal rules of coexistence.

– They are attracted to risk.

– They tend to have addictive behaviors.

– They have no remorse after committing all kinds of serious crimes.

– They are cruel.

-They distinguish perfectly between what is right and what is wrong.

– They do not usually have stable personal relationships.

– His life is governed by pragmatism and feelings do not matter.

– They are not afraid of being punished for their crimes.

-His life is apparently normal.

It is not easy for specialists to diagnose psychopathy because there are many variables and many symptoms that are also common to other mental illnesses. Simulation to obtain criminal advantages, borderline personality disorder or transient insanity are mental disorders that present similar signs.

The doctor, in any case, must talk a lot with the patient and observe his behavior to try to diagnose the disease. This observation will be accompanied by various analyzes to know the general state of health.

The treatment of this disease is very complex and difficult and seeks the patient’s reintegration. They must be subjected to preparation sessions to try to get them to know the emotional sphere and learn to put themselves in other people’s shoes. You have to train him to develop his emotional virtues and to ensure that he has social relationships.

It is very difficult to get a psychopath to stop violating social and legal norms. During treatment, the psychopath does not usually get involved in the search for her cure. Science has tried to achieve a pharmacological solution, but at this time it has still been achieved.

Given the difficulty of curing this disease, the best way to try to prevent it is to intervene during childhood because it is the time when personality is being created. Certain guidelines can be followed:

– Children must be observed and cases of deception towards other children unmasked. When the child boasts of having cheated on a friend, he or she must be made to see how negative her actions may have been or have been.

– You have to be very rigorous and always show respectful behavior and not break the rules. Children learn by watching their parents and must always have a correct attitude.

– Teach children not to be vengeful.

– When a child hurts someone, they have to make them see that they have done it wrong and that they should apologize.

– If these patterns are repeated, it is necessary to seek medical attention to try to tackle a problem that may be serious.

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