Paraphimosis should not be confused with phimosis as they are different problems. Paraphimosis is a disease that affects only men and boys who have not been circumcised. Circumcision consists of removing the foreskin of the penis. Paraphimosis appears when the foreskin stays behind the head of the penis (glans) and cannot return to its normal position. All uncircumcised men are at risk of having paraphimosis. When it happens you have to go to the emergency room immediately.

Uncircumcised men usually pull their foreskin back during sexual intercourse, when going to the bathroom, or when cleaning their penis. Doctors and nurses also sometimes perform this action on their patients to perform checks or place a catheter. If the foreskin is left behind the head of the penis for a long time, the penis can swell and the foreskin cannot return to its initial position. Paraphimosis can also occur due to infection.

The symptoms of paraphimosis are very evident. The main sign is that it is very difficult or impossible to place the foreskin in its usual position. Other symptoms are:

– When you retract the foreskin or take it back, the tip of the penis swells.

– Pain.

– Change in color of the tip of the penis, dark red or bluish.

The doctor only needs a visual examination to verify the existence of paraphimosis. No clinical testing is required.

The treatment consists of reducing the swelling of the penis, something that can be done by pressing with your hand, putting a tight bandage or placing ice on the area. After these measurements it should be easy to return the foreskin to its original place. If this is not possible, then the doctor may resort to making a small cut. If it is not enough, emergency surgery can be considered to remove the foreskin.

If it is not treated, permanent damage can occur to the tip of the penis and you can even lose this part due to the interruption of blood flow and the problems associated with it.

It is possible to completely avoid paraphimosis by performing circumcision, but this measure is not mandatory. If the man is not circumcised, there are a series of habits to avoid this annoying disease. The most important thing is to place the foreskin in its usual place after having sex or going to the bathroom.