The Prosecutor requests nine years in prison for a man accused of raping a young student in a macro-bottle organized in a public parking lot of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in September 2021.

This Monday, in the seventh section of the Barcelona Court, the trial was held against this man, who has been accused of the crime of sexual assault with penetration. Likewise, apart from the nine years in prison, the public ministry also requests a three-month fine with a daily fee of 20 euros for a minor crime of injuries.

The events being prosecuted date back to the early morning of September 18, 2021, on the occasion of a macrobotellón that was being held in the public parking lot of the UAB faculty of humanities, in which both the accused and the victim participated, without They both knew each other beforehand.

During the trial, the young woman reported that the accused and she left the parking lot to a nearby wooded area to become intimate with consensual kisses, but that at one point the man began to sexually assault her despite her opposition and to repeatedly tell her that he wanted to return. with your friends.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the accused, taking advantage of the young woman’s alcohol intake and her greater corpulence and physical strength, pressed the student’s head down until she was on her knees to force him to perform fellatio. Previously, the man had forcefully inserted several fingers into the young woman’s vagina, causing injuries, the prosecutor maintains in her indictment.

The young woman, after confirming these facts described in the indictment, has testified that she was left in a state of “shock”, “blocked” and “without the ability to react”, while the accused sexually assaulted her.

The alleged victim has explained that due to this attack, she spent two weeks without leaving the house or going to class, and that today she cannot sleep without antidepressants.

In addition to the nine years in prison and the three-month fine, the public prosecutor has also requested that the accused be prohibited from approaching less than 1,000 meters from the student for a period of ten years longer than the prison sentence imposed. in sentence, as well as the prohibition of communication with her for any time for the same period.