The National Police have arrested Lucas Burgueño in Valladolid, who rebuked the former mayor of the city Óscar Puente when they were both going to take a trip by AVE, as the alleged perpetrator of demanding money from his relatives in exchange for not disseminating a video, which he finally released. as the victims did not access.

As reported this Monday by police sources, the agents carried out the arrest yesterday afternoon for the alleged authorship of the crimes of revealing secrets, coercion, threats and damages.

It was early in the afternoon last Sunday when he was arrested by a current search, detention and appearance order, motivated by a complaint made against him that same day as the alleged perpetrator of four crimes.

Relatives of the arrested person expressed at police stations their desire to file a complaint for the dissemination of a video, as the injured parties had refused to give them an amount of money requested by the author.

They also explained that the man threatened to send people to occupy their house, causing damage to the medicine cabinet and even cutting the cable of the gas boiler, which was left unusable.

The agents were able to verify that the video had actually been broadcast to at least six people and that the gas boiler was out of use.

There was a complaint against the detainee for non-payment of more than 400 euros in a hotel establishment.

Burgueño was previously arrested on the night of October 9 for alleged responsibility for breaking and entering, coercion, damage and threats that occurred in a home located in the La Victoria neighborhood of the Valladolid capital and, after being brought to justice, he was released, within a case that remains open.

The now released man was the protagonist of an incident on September 29, when the socialist deputy Óscar Puente was preparing to board the AVE from Valladolid to Madrid.

Burgueño began to insistently ask the politician what he thought of the former president of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont, according to a recording made by himself.

This man, according to PSOE sources after the event, apparently pushed and cornered Puente against one of the train cars, which led the station security workers to call the National Police, who took testimony. to Puente, Burgueño and several witnesses, which caused a delay of about twenty-five minutes in the departure of the AVE.