On November 9, 2006, Isaac Martínez was shot dead when he was leaving his car from a parking lot in the Cappont neighborhood of Lleida. This Thursday will mark 17 years of this unsolved crime, of which no new evidence has appeared and which could expire within three years.

The lawyer for the victim’s family, Pau Simarro, has explained that they want to leave as much time as possible so that new evidence can appear before presenting, in mid-2025, a document with all the documentation and circumstantial evidence of the case to reopen the case and “convince” the Court of Instruction 4 and the prosecutor’s office to “put to trial” the only person who was provisionally imprisoned for the crime and later exonerated.

The document is expected to be presented in court a year and a half before the date on which the crime would prescribe. In this way, we want to give the maximum possible margin of time so that some evidence can appear, new evidence or there is a confession that allows the case to be resolved while also ensuring that there is enough time so that, where appropriate, the case is processed before it expires. “We must give at least a year and a half of comfortable processing because logically the parties will be informed and there will be appeals and oppositions, as is normal,” Simarro explained.

In this way, all the documentation and circumstantial evidence of the case will be compiled in a document, “which is not little,” said the lawyer, to present it between the spring and summer of 2025 in the court, which he will send to the prosecution. From then on, it will be studied whether it is feasible to reopen the case and hold a trial.

Simarro indicates that the only person who was arrested for the crime will be asked to bring to trial. This is a resident of Lleida who was provisionally imprisoned for a few months and later exonerated based on a report from the Civil Guard. This concluded that an identity relationship could not be established between the remains of gunpowder found on the clothing of the investigated person and the remains from the crime scene. “We will ask that this person be charged again and put on trial,” said the lawyer.

In this sense, Simarro has regretted that at the end of 2021 they asked the court to carry out a new analysis of the remains using an innovative technology used by the European scientific police, but they were denied this possibility as it was considered that the results that were expected would not be obtained. they defended. However, he assured that the hope to resolve the case “is never falsified,” although he admits that it will be “difficult” because it involves circumstantial evidence.

The murder of Isaac Martínez took place on the morning of November 9, 2006 on Riu Ter street in the Cappont neighborhood of Lleida. The young man, 26 years old, had just left his car from the parking ramp when a person wearing a balaclava approached him and fired several shots that caused his death. The murderer managed to flee the scene.

Since then, Isaac Martínez’s family has fought to achieve justice, to the point of offering a reward of 20,000 euros to anyone who provides any clue that would allow the perpetrator of the crime to be identified. A plaque in memory of the victim is located on a tree next to the place where the murder was committed.