The pandemic has delayed the studies of millions of young people in much of the world. Mathematics knowledge and reading comprehension have plummeted, especially in Spain and Catalonia. This failure indicates that politics does not address the great social challenges. Today the Constitution turns 45 years old and the vast majority of Spaniards believe that Europe saves us.

Education. The PISA report has been devastating to the OECD countries. Education is going backwards due, above all, to the pandemic. ESO students in Spain have lost a year in reading comprehension and a half in mathematics.

Catalonia collapses. Education in Catalonia continues to deteriorate. The PISA report leaves no doubt about the poor preparation of students. The Generalitat attributes the failure to the great weight of immigration in the classrooms, which increases the social complexity of teaching. Students from other countries make up 24% of the total.

Day of the constitution. Today the Magna Carta turns 45 years old. We have spoken to five experts to explain to us if it is necessary to reform it. Most believe so because time does not pass in vain. They also highlight that the main problem of coexistence is nationalism and that this cannot be solved with an amendment.

Policy. Podemos has withdrawn from the Sumar coalition. Its five deputies move to the mixed group in Congress. It is a setback for the coalition government of Pedro Sánchez. Yolanda Díaz has found out from the press.

Justice. The EU agrees with the Government. He says that the reform of the CGPJ must be done now, without waiting for a modification of the law that regulates it, as the PP demands. The judges’ body has had its mandate expired for five years. Sánchez will shortly summon Feijóo to reach an agreement.

European Union. There are six months left until the European elections and public opinion could not be more favorable to the EU, an institution that was highly criticized just a few years ago. Now 72% of Europeans and 78% of Spaniards believe it is beneficial. These are record figures.

Railway. The commuter network of the Barcelona metropolitan area suffers a wave of copper cable thefts. Service is affected one out of every two days. The Mossos say that they will change their strategy to hunt down thieves who benefit from the high price of copper on the black market: four euros per kilo.

Francisco Kovacs, doctor.

“If your back hurts, move as much as you can, even with pain.” Read it here.

Parity. The Government approves a parity law that requires a minimum of 40% of women in administration, politics, companies and professional associations. Parity is also sought in opera forums and large orchestras.

Art. Picasso always said that everything began in Barcelona. A study by historian Claustre Rafart reveals new secrets from his youth in the city where he realized how far he could go.

Fashion. The Metropolitan Museum of New York takes care of fashion more than any other. An exhibition dedicated to female designers has just opened. The rooms feature the creations of Ann Love, Katharine Hamnett and Vivienne Tan.

Alfonso Martos, journalist

“I was just looking for some bullet to finish me off.” She read it here.
