Hello good morning!

Justice breaks into the horizon of an investiture pact for Sánchez that has not yet been closed. More tension. More doubts. More everything.

The judge undermined the possible amnesty by accusing Puigdemont and Rovira of terrorism. The step taken from the National Court “seeks to raise the legal application in this case to European justice”. Democratic Tsunami is renewed key.

Nine members of the governing body of the Judiciary, for their part, impose their majority in a declaration by the organization against – once again… – the amnesty. They warn that this would mean “abolishing” the rule of law.

The investiture negotiation between the PSOE and Junts, however, remains stuck due to cases that Puigdemont’s party considers to be lawfare or technical aspects to be ironed out. The protests, meanwhile, take to the streets. There are already those who question whether it is an “impossible dialogue?”

A month after the Hamas massacre, Israel’s retaliation in Gaza claims the lives of more than 10,000 Palestinians. Reconstructing what has happened in this time advances, in addition, much is still to come. The US fails to moderate Tel Aviv.

The wave of anti-Semitism that France is experiencing plays in parallel and its consequences speak for themselves: it forces French Jews to hide their condition by suffering a multitude of attacks. The crisis also polarizes the country. A warning for others?

The debate on the use of technology in environments such as education among the youngest is taking off and the group of fathers and mothers who promote no to mobile phones until the age of 16, adds thousands of adhesions in days. Here myths and keys about it.

Important health news not to forget: a man disabled by Parkinson’s walks again with a spinal implant, a neuroprosthesis that activates the groups of neurons that control walking. He opens up a whole world.

Michel Camilo and Marco Mezquida, pianists. “He who was born in Manhattan is not the same as he who must put a knife to his teeth.” Read it here.

It is autumn, and the very serious drought continues, leaving even two towns in Priorat without water for up to two months. Supplies arrive but more help is requested. The situation, here told from within, is compelling.

Only nine kilometers separate Úbeda from Baeza, neighboring and rival towns that UNESCO united by recognizing its very valuable artistic ensemble as a world heritage site 20 years ago. The best excuse to revisit Jaen’s lands overflowing with history.

Labor reform, up for debate. The Catalan employers’ association Foment del Treball has presented estimates that seven out of every ten new contracts last less than a year and, thus, the temporary nature would be maintained. The unions defend it. Because interpretation matters.

Fredrik Sjöberg, entomologist and writer. “When studying flies, I see the entire universe in them.” Read it here.