Hello good morning!

The truce in Gaza on the basis of peace in exchange for hostages and prisoners forces the question: what if there is nothing to exchange? It looks worse in no way. His version for the Spanish economic recovery: if there were no European funds, what? The latest assessment made from Brussels obliges this.

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continues. Peace extends beyond the four days planned with more releases of hostages and prisoners. In principle, it is believed possible to extend it by 48 hours.

Although there is already speculation that “a brutal battle for southern Gaza” awaits after the truce. Seeing the division with which some and others treat the current ephemeral peace warns of its instability.

While in Barcelona, ​​the Union for the Mediterranean dusts off the two-state solution. For now it’s all will.

The distribution of European funds is key in the Spanish economic recovery plan, and pay attention to the data: Barcelona and Madrid are the cities with the most funded initiatives, far ahead of Paris or Berlin, and Catalonia is the community with the most tractor projects supported.

Doñana is the b side of the current tension between Sánchez and the PP. The Government and the Board put aside the differences and will invest more than 1,400 million to renaturalize their lands. In the rest, tension for a long time: the popular people want the European elections of 2024 as a plebiscite.

Products with CBD, that is, cannabidiol, “are a fashion with social risk,” doctors now warn. They are advertised to help you sleep better, against anxiety, against stress and pain, muscle overload… but the evidence is lacking.

Ukraine is fighting perhaps its worst nightmare beyond the war front: the possible oblivion of its fight among the allies due to the addition of other parallel crises. However, Ukraine enters the Europe of the book at the Guadalajara Fair. It matters.

Soleá Morente, singer, flamenco and electronica. “There is no art without risk and that puts me in the abyss.” Read it here.

The Transfagarasan is often considered the “most impressive road in the world” as it runs through the Romanian Carpathians. The photo above speaks for itself. Here all your secrets.

In gastronomy today is an important day. Barcelona will host the Michelin 2024 gala tonight. “It’s going to be a great year,” they have launched from the guide of guides. New three-star Spanish restaurants could be added. These are the names and bets.

Raising fear of fraud is established as an ultra tactic. It could be seen in Milei’s victory in Argentina. And in Brazil. And in the US, “It serves to create a feeling of anxiety, which activates voters,” she explains. Having a network of young influencers is already key.

Julián Gabarre, doctor in facial psychology. “Your face is you.” Read it here.