Hello good morning!

Sánchez reveals the cards of the new coalition government: they seem prepared to cross a desert. Those of Milei in Argentina, for their part, are the ones that can create one.

The new legislature definitively begins today with all the pieces of Sánchez’s new coalition government chosen. In short: the president adds to his hard core profiles “for political struggle” in a tough context, especially due to the amnesty.

Bolaños (Presidency and Justice) and Montero (who will now be vice president in addition to continuing with the Treasury) gain obvious weight. Equality, furthermore, returns to the PSOE. And Sumar retains five portfolios, but none for Podemos.

Given the weight of the independence movement in Sánchez’s investiture, it is also necessary to highlight how both ERC and Junts disapprove of the continuity of Robles and, also, Grande-Marlaska, in Defense and Interior. The balances continue.

The far-right Milei, after sweeping the Argentine presidential elections, maintains his rejection of gradualism and wants to step on the reformist accelerator. Spanish companies are risking 15,000 million.

An ephemeral peace in Gaza may be just around the corner if the words of the US end up coming to fruition. Israel and Hamas, meanwhile, continue fighting in the hospitals and refugee camps. It sums up the drama well.

The dismissal of Sam Altman from OpenAI generates an earthquake in the artificial intelligence industry: the manager ends up at Microsoft within hours; investments underway are believed to be redirected.

The new pandemic that is coming, as reported, is this: there are already almost 25,000 deaths a year from infections of multi-resistant bacteria, and if we add to this the fact that there is a record number of patients on waiting lists for surgery (820,000 as of June)…

Ridley Scott, film director. “Napoleon is more than God, more than Caesar.” Read it here.

Gavi breaks down. Barça and Spain are left without a key player, especially with the Euro Cup and Games in sight, due to a serious injury to his right knee. It is worth reviewing and seeing how in these cases, today, there is one victim and many executioners.

The UN warns that the planet is on the path to unaffordable warming due to the inaction of large polluting countries. Experts, in parallel, remember again that “what is sustainable in some cultures is not sustainable in others.”

Bernard Arnault and François Pinault are at the head of the two giants of global luxury, but the personal rivalry between the two French magnates has also been the driving force that saved the sector. So.

Marta M. Lahr unearthed the first human remains with signs of violence in Kenya. “We are violent primates, but the only ones capable of reconciliation.” Read it here.