Hello good morning!

There is already an agreement PSOE-Junts to unblock the investiture. The amnesty is known to be central. There is no doubt that an ordeal awaits them on the street as institutions.

PSOE and Junts, after days of give and take, close the agreement to unblock the investiture. It is planned to announce it today and hold the plenary session to re-elect Sánchez as president next week. The amnesty is wanted without room for interpretation.

They wait for complex hours. The support of the PNV remains to be added. And last night there were protest concentrations again in front of the PSOE headquarters against the amnesty. There are six. And although less numerous and more contained, “it creates a destabilizing climate.”

The pressure against the content of the amnesty, in fact, and even without knowing the text, does not diminish: Brussels asks for explanations before there is a law; there is an unprecedented clash between the judiciary and the Government; and fear that partisan protest would get out of hand.

Without the expected support of Hizbullah from Lebanon, Hamas has its only asset in the hostages. Qatar outlines offer to release double-digit number to achieve temporary ceasefire. It could fit Netanyahu’s demand.

Are you better educated without a cell phone? Anti-mobile groups grow; Educators and psychologists join the debate and question the effectiveness of banning mobile phones for children. It is proposed to regulate spaces and times and accompany learning. “It’s not all or nothing,” they warn.

Numbers for scandal: almost one million Spanish women between 18 and 29 years old report having suffered sexist violence on some occasion in the last year. It is also detailed that sexual abuse of girls online begins at the age of 13. Alert.

The SEPI, defense arm. The Government reinforces the role of the State in companies that it considers strategic and to do so it chooses this company, dependent on the Treasury, as an instrument. Telephone is set as a priority.

Fernando Aramburu, writer. “I have dedicated my entire life to fulfilling the dream of that teenager that I was.” Read it here.

The Barcelona 42 Festival that is being held these days certifies a mass arrival of female voices to fantastic genres that “transform” them, it is stated. Here your protagonists.

There are divorces and divorces, and some even unite because “the best gift you can give your children is to separate well,” it is explained. The manual for trying to have non-traumatic ruptures is updated.

It will be because of wars. The conflict in the Middle East is still very present. Except for Ukraine. And yet, it is with the latter that non-Western countries seem to settle scores with the West for other ignored wars. Are.

Nathan Blecharczyk, co-founder of Airbnbv. “By restricting Airbnb, the hotels win and the citizen loses.” Read it here.