Hello good morning!

Amnesty law is expected in 3, 2,1… and the same thing happens with Sánchez’s inauguration as president. Today key steps can be taken in Congress.

The PSOE finalizes the amnesty law with Junts to register it in Congress. After the already announced agreement with ERC, this step makes it even possible for the president of Congress to announce the date of the investiture debate on Friday.

The CGPJ, the governing body of the Judiciary, sees parallel movements against the grace measure. The conservative members are asking for a plenary session to proceed to reject the amnesty although even today it is not clear how far it will go.

The tension in the environment is evident. But the calendar for the possible investiture is tight. But it seems increasingly clear that no one, neither in Catalonia nor far from it, wants to stay on the sidelines.

The crisis in the Middle East continues to add deaths and, also, some news in the context: Egypt gives in and opens its border in dribs and drabs; an Israeli minister without portfolio to this newspaper: “It left us with a bitter feeling that Sánchez did not come to Israel.”

How to regulate artificial intelligence, given its advances and consequences, is now a priority but drives the division between high tech and political leaders. Summit in London. “We are all at risk of being excoded,” she warns.

The digital business, in check. While the previous discussion about AI is full of uncertainties, the EU puts Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and more) in check after banning behavior-based ads. The veto can open the way.

Petrodollars still rule in football as they ruled with the World Cup in Qatar last year. Saudi Arabia will host the 2034 World Cup. “The processes were approved by consensus,” defends the FIFA president. Others talk about “addiction.”

Rafael Riqueni, brilliant guitarist, faces mental illness. “It took me 10 years to recover the technique.” Read it here.

Alert for the strong winds and rains brought today by the Ciarán storm. Five communities, including Catalunya, are exercising extreme caution due to the very strong gusts that are expected.

Coderch’s “worst work.” José Antonio Coderch was one of the greats of Spanish architecture. When he was not going through the best of times, they offered him a project in Mallorca from which he wanted to make a jewel. Today it is cult. This is how it was built.

The beneficiaries of the 37.5-hour work day. The reduction of weekly working hours is provided for in the government agreement between PSOE and Sumar. If it is carried out, however, everything will depend on the community or the sector because now it is already unequal.

José Félix Tezanos, president of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). “It is time for great pacts, and they are built with renunciations.” Read it here.