Doing an MBA online and in Spanish is synonymous with finding a job. Specifically, 92.7% of students who have completed online higher education already have a job, as reflected in the recently published FSO 2023 Ranking prepared from an evaluation of more than 200 institutions in Spain, Latin America and the United States with 4,000 surveys of your students.

The report prepared by the market research consultancy Hamilton Global Intelligence in collaboration with Emagister places special emphasis on the fact that after completing their online and Spanish MBA, students take only 5.2 weeks on average to find employment and increase by more than 33% his salary averaging 29,665 euros per year after his training, in addition to practically always working in a profession related to the field of his master’s degree.

One of the most important aspects of the FSO 2023 Ranking is the list of the 30 educational institutions in Spanish best valued for their online MBAs, which in their first three positions go to the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), UNIR (the university of Internet) and the OBS Business School.

To be able to enter this ranking, it is necessary that institutions offer higher education online, that they have at least 70% of online teaching, are in Spanish, have at least five years of activity and offer master’s degrees in Administration and/or business management. Companies.

On the podium all are Spanish entities, while in fifth position we can find Centrum Católica Graduate Business School from Peru and the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), from Mexico. ESIC (4th position), Nebrija University (8th place) and the European University of Madrid (10th position) also stand out in the ranking.

Although the predominance is of Spanish universities and centers, you can also find the Colombian EAN University, the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, the Westfield Business School (United States), the University of the Istmo of Panama and the Guatemalan American School of Management.

One of the most notable news reflected in the FSO 2023 Ranking is that women have reached their highest representation in MBA courses, practically on the verge of achieving total equality with their peers. The report highlights that “initiatives aimed at gender equality are bearing fruit in the field of higher education.”

In this sense, they positively value that many educational institutions have opted for policies to “promote gender diversity in MBA programs.” For example, there is talk of scholarships especially intended for women, creation of support networks and mentoring focused on female personnel.