Temperatures will rise today, Sunday, across the board in Spain, with parts of the Mediterranean and Andalusia exceeding 20ºC degrees, with the exception of Galicia, which will be at risk as a result of strong winds and persistent rainfall, especially in the west of the community, according to the forecast from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Thus, Galicia will be on yellow alert due to the waves on the coasts of A Coruña, while Zamora and León, as well as Madrid, Cuenca and Guadalajara, will be at risk during the first half of the day due to the projection of persistent fog.

However, with the exception of Galicia, Aemet has pointed out that in the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands a more stable situation will prevail under the premise that temperatures will tend to increase almost universally, except in the midlands and in the east of Canary Islands, where declines are expected.

In that sense, in the Valencian, Murcian and Andalusian communities, 20ºC degrees will be easily exceeded, reaching maximum temperatures of 25ºC in cities such as Valencia or Murcia.

For its part, the rise in minimum temperatures may be locally notable in the mountains of Cuenca and Guadalajara and will remain above normal for the time of year, so light frosts will be limited to the Pyrenees area.

Outside Galicia, precipitation may also occur in nearby areas of Asturias and Castilla y León, and it is not ruled out in a weak manner and with a tendency to disappear during the morning in the Cantabrian area and the north of Extremadura.

Regarding cloudiness, Aemet expects cloudy skies at the beginning of the day on the Atlantic and Cantabrian slopes, with a tendency to open clearings in the eastern Cantabrian area, east and south of the North plateau, as well as the southern part of the South plateau, while in Galicia and the north of the Northern Plateau the cloudiness will be persistent.

For its part, in the Canary Islands, which can reach 28ºC degrees in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, there will be intervals of low clouds at first in the northern islands and the entire archipelago will tend to remain with intervals of high clouds.

In general, the winds will be weak throughout the national territory, with a southern and western component in the northern half and the Balearic Islands, more intense in the northwest third of the peninsula with strong gusts and strong intervals on the coasts of Galicia on the Atlantic front.

In the east of the South and Levante plateau the winds will be from the west and northwest, while in the Canary Islands there will be trade winds that will tend to swing to the east.