The National Police has once again arrested Lucas Burgueño, the man who scolded PSOE deputy Óscar Puente on the AVE, in this case as the alleged perpetrator of breaking his mother’s restraining order, which a judge imposed on him after being arrested ago. a week for coercing and threatening her. Police sources confirmed that Burgueño remained in the cells of the Valladolid Police Station last night, waiting for him to be brought to justice this Tuesday.

The restraining order has its origins in an episode in which, in addition to coercion and threats, the Police attribute to Burgueño the crimes of revealing secrets and damages, since the mother accused him of broadcasting a video and asking for money in exchange to Do not send it to more people. Furthermore, in their complaint, the relatives explained that the man threatened to send people to occupy his house, causing damage to the medicine cabinet and even cutting the cable of the gas boiler, which was left unusable.

The agents were able to verify that the video had actually been distributed to at least six people and that the gas boiler was out of use.

Burgueño was previously arrested on the night of the 9th for alleged responsibility for breaking and entering, coercion, damage and threats that occurred in a home located in the La Victoria neighborhood of the capital of Valladolid and, after being brought to justice, he was placed released, as with the events reported by his mother, although both cases remain open.

Last September he was also arrested for attacking two municipal agents who were off duty on a terrace in Valladolid when the man confronted them for previously sanctioning him for using pepper spray on him. Although the police asked him to stop his behavior, the man was allegedly violent, breaking a glass and injuring one of them with a minor cut.