In the Internet age it seems that everything related to traditional marketing is already outdated and obsolete, but quite the contrary, reinvented forms of traditional strategies are now emerging that are working very well in a market open to tactics such as sampling.

“Sampling is the act of offering free samples of a product or service to customers so that they can try it before making a purchasing decision. They are very common in food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry, cleaning products, baby products, pet food, etc. In short, it is an advertising strategy that helps convert impacts into sales,” defines Clara Carbó Canals, Commercial Director of Simpling.

Although it may sound like an old-fashioned strategy, it is more relevant than ever: “Its growing popularity is due to its ability to generate interest, engage consumers, create an emotional connection with the brand and collect valuable information for brands,” recalls Carbó, who points out that “it has been proven that when people receive something for free, they are more inclined to feel grateful and make a purchase in the future, as well as to speak positively about the brand to others.”

However, this does not mean going back to the old marketing strategies that have been left behind: “At we carry out sampling actions that are completely different from the traditional actions that we associate with teams with promoters in shopping centers, on the street. or on the subway,” explains Carbó, who recalls that “in these scenarios the probability of impacting the brand’s potential customer is very low, the real cost per sampling is very high and many impacts are lost on people who are not interesting.” .

Unlike this, Simpling explains that they are “experts in segmented sampling” and they do it like this: “We are committed to impacting the target audience of our clients and the most interesting moment of consumption. We activate different channels that allow us to break into the consumer’s routine, so that they receive the sample by surprise and perceive it as a gift” in spaces such as the office, the gym or a restaurant.

The results of using sampling show that it works: “We live in an ultra-digital world, where everything is done and measured in digital environments, therefore product testing is fundamental when it comes to differentiating a product from its competition.” explains the expert, who points out a fundamental factor for the success of this strategy.

“It is very difficult for a consumer to stand in front of a store shelf and choose a product. Therefore, it is very common for us to opt for products that we already know. That is why trying a product before buying it multiplies the possibilities of purchasing it,” says Carbó.

“Think for example of a perfume or a new drink, how are you going to choose to buy them without having smelled or tried them before? In addition, there is another very big advantage and that is that people who try a new product and like it tend to become ambassadors of that product or brand,” highlights the marketing specialist.

In summary, Carbó considers that “the advantage that sampling has over other strategies is that, in an increasingly digital world, we impact people physically and, above all, we allow them to try the product,” since “ We are increasingly immune to digital advertising and what we do is generate a very strong memory by getting into the routine of the brands’ potential customers and giving them the opportunity to touch and try a product.”

In practice, this is achieved “without any friction, since we impact them without the potential customer having to do anything to receive that product. To give a couple of examples, it comes home with a delivery order, they give it to you at the office, you find it in a locker at the gym,” he explains.

Given this attractive form of marketing, those companies that want to bet on sampling must take this into account: “First of all, they must carefully choose the products that they will offer as free samples so that they are representative of their brand and generate interest. Next, it is very important that they identify their target audience well to adapt their sampling efforts effectively,” explains Carbó.

“It is also essential to clearly define the objectives of the sampling campaign. Are you looking to increase sales, generate brand awareness, make noise on social networks, collect consumer data, find out their opinion about the product, etc?”, highlights the expert.

Sampling shows that marketing is a living world in constant transformation, where it is possible to recover forms that were believed to be obsolete and take advantage of them again. To achieve this, having adequate training is essential.

With the master’s degree in Marketing and Sales Management you train in everything related to business strategies, you also learn about markets and information and you study in depth the behavior and characteristics of the consumer.

The Official Master’s Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing is aimed at both university graduates from related branches who wish to focus their professional career on the field of sales and marketing, and experienced professionals who wish to accredit their knowledge with an Official Degree.

With the Master in Marketing and Commercial Management you obtain training completely focused on this sector, which allows you to become a specialized professional. Through a comprehensive vision, you are trained so that you can respond to the demands of your clients, while at the same time you can grow your organization by increasing sales and attracting potential buyers.