For the fifteenth consecutive time, RAC1 will end the year as the undisputed audience leader, the fifth best figure in its history. The EGM data released this Thursday places the Godó Group radio station once again in the lead, with 947,000 daily listeners.

The program El món a RAC1 with Jordi Basté is the most listened to, with 704,000 listeners, and with the most listened to radio hour in Catalonia: from eight to nine in the morning (376,000 listeners).

Toni Clapés’ Versió RAC1, the afternoon program, achieves an absolute record with 352,000 listeners in the premiere of Temps afegit, the last hour of the program, from seven to eight in the afternoon, which reaches 99,000 listeners. The Via lliure remains intractable on weekends, both Saturday and Sunday, with 541,00 and 493,000 listeners respectively.

RAC1 leads the radio waves for 18 consecutive hours a day (from 2 am to 8 pm). Of the five most listened to programs in Catalonia, three are from RAC1: El món a RAC1, Versió RAC1 and La competição, the latter led by Òscar Andreu and Òscar Dalmau, with a figure of 180,00 listeners. You first, with Marc Giró, has 132,000; RAC1 noon, with Núria Travesa and Xavi Rocamora, with 96,000; No ho sé by Anna Vallhonesta, with 83,000 and Tu diràs, directed by Aleix Parisé, with 104,000.

For its part, Superesports with Xavi Puig breaks its audience record on Saturdays (240,000 listeners). The first stone of Noemí Polls also achieved its best numbers on Saturday (92,000). Regarding the shares, El mon a RAC1, La competition, Vostè prima, RAC1 middia and Versión RAC1 far exceed 40%.

RAC105, the music station, has 216,000 listeners, surpassing the 200,000 barrier, a milestone it had not achieved since 2017.