The commercial director of the Hutchison Ports BEST terminal at the Port of Barcelona, ​​Jorge Moreno, has stated that “sustainability is the great revolution that will affect the logistics world.” He stated this in a presentation on the challenges of logistics this Wednesday, within the framework of the Ibero-American Free Zone Conference that takes place this week in Barcelona.

Despite the current situation of uncertainty in the logistics sector, Moreno has defended that in the near future transport chains will be transformed driven by the impulse of social changes that draw on sustainability, whether by caring for the environment or by taking into account social aspects to a greater extent than in the past.

“The main change is not the geopolitical context, but the social one. The great revolution that will affect the logistics world is sustainability, such as payment for emissions rights or green corridors,” he predicted. “The social context is going to change, and it is going to have a brutal impact on the logistics chains, and we will have to do something very different from what we have today,” Moreno insisted.

Going into the changes that the sector has suffered after the pandemic, he highlighted that “we have gone from just in time to just in case, from having the product at the last second, to seeing that the parts do not arrive and starting to accumulate stocks; We don’t learn.”

Moreno, responsible for one of the most important container terminals in the Port of Barcelona, ​​stated that “the changes in the world affect us all. (…) Logistics has suffered different waves of bullwhip effect. Any small thing that happened in the logistics chain ended up disproportionately affecting higher up.”

The commercial director has criticized the logistics sector for not adopting sufficient firewalls to reduce the impact of the effects on logistics chains in the world, such as carrying out exhaustive analyzes of crisis situations to see what can be learned from them: “I think that We rarely do that,” he acknowledged. In this sense, he has warned that the logistics sector “has not learned anything from the Covid-19 stoppage”, and has said that logistics is hoarding much more stock than before the pandemic.