Generative artificial intelligence has experienced one of the largest technological explosions in recent years in recent months, demonstrating its capacity with chatbots, the creation of its own works and an infinite number of applications, but now we are facing the arrival of a new AI: hypermodal .

“Hypermodal AI is the strategic combination of generative, causal and predictive AI and is unleashing an unprecedented revolution in the business world. Generative AI creates original and valuable content, transforming the way marketing strategies are generated and complex problems are solved. Causal AI allows companies to discover connections between seemingly independent variables and predictive AI uses historical data to predict future trends and behaviors,” explains José Manuel Iglesias, Sales Engineer Manager Iberia at Dynatrace.

“Hypermodal AI makes it possible to take advantage of all this and generate synergies between all these characteristics, which is why it is so promising. In this sense, it is worth noting that this combination has been carried out by Dynatrace and there is no other company that has managed to develop something similar,” summarizes the expert.

Therefore, “implementing hypermodal AI in a business translates into control and knowledge of information in real time (in huge quantities), allowing companies to anticipate and solve incidents and future needs related to the performance and security of their software,” according to Iglesias.

“In addition, this data is also analyzed in real time through observability and unified security, providing intelligent responses and automation that are necessary to prevent incidents, deterministically analyze the root cause and automatically correct risks,” he explains.

On the other hand, this AI “provides automated recommendations, such as creating workflows and dashboards, or allowing people to use language to explore, solve or complete tasks,” as well as “access to information about operations is expanding to staff.” new, which accelerates work rates for observability users.”

Although it may seem like a technology for the future, hypermodal AI already has immediate benefits: “Since its launch last summer, we have been able to verify that everyone who opts for it will greatly increase their efficiency, productivity, prevention and problem solving.” and improvement in decision making,” says Iglesias.

Regarding the lack of knowledge of hypermodal AI compared to generative AI, Iglesias considers that it is a phenomenon of accessibility: “To begin with, because generative AI has been on the ‘market’ for longer, which has caused it to become more known. Likewise, by being more accessible, users have been able to try it and ‘play with it’ and this, together with the impact it has had on social networks, has led to it becoming more ‘viral’ and, therefore, becoming more known.” .

In addition, the expert makes it clear that “it must be taken into account that generative AI is part of hypermodal AI and that, probably, at least for now, the use of hypermodal is intended more for a B2B service and the use of The generative one works for both a B2B service and a B2C one, which is what has caused so much talk about it.”

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