Renfe has quantified the cost of graffiti vandalism on its trains last year at 25 million euros, according to a statement sent this Sunday by the railway company.

Renfe has indicated that the graffiti vandalism on its trains generated a cost of 25 million euros (70,000 euros per day) in 2023, an amount that includes its cleaning and the indirect expenses “that derive from this scourge, such as the investment in security, both for personnel and other technological systems”.

The company has specified that users “suffer directly the consequences of trains vandalized with graffiti”, either because delays occur; Trains are canceled due to lack of visibility or due to graffiti on safety elements that impede movement, due to the activation of the emergency brake to paint in the middle of a journey or due to the inconvenience and annoyance caused to passengers by the smell of the paint. paint.

Furthermore, he pointed out that due to “the actions and investigations carried out by Renfe security personnel and by the Security Forces and Corps, the authors of 124 graffiti were identified and brought to justice.”

In the case of Catalonia, the graffiti on the Rodalies trains caused a cost of 11.6 million euros in Catalonia, almost half of the total in Spain between cleaning and indirect expenses derived, such as investment in security, both personnel and technological systems

Returning to the national balance, the company has offered other figures derived from this vandalism behavior: nearly 80,000 square meters of trains were painted; 3,977 intrusions by graffiti artists into the facilities were reported (an average of more than 11 acts of vandalism of this type per day); 15,000 hours of work were spent cleaning up graffiti and Renfe security personnel prevented 1,194 graffiti incursions last year.

On the other hand, Renfe has reported that it will invest 2.2 million euros in the transformation of 90 hopper wagons from its material park that had been dedicated to the transportation of coal and that will now be used “to meet the needs arising from the transportation of cereals”.