The Educational Technology (EdTech) sector is a rapidly growing global market where innovation is leading the pace of change. Technology is intrinsically linked to education to close educational gaps and achieve learning outcomes.

The main focus of next year’s EdTech will be personalization. Technology can help students execute the curriculum at their own pace, following their abilities and interests. Teachers will also find technological solutions for various activities, from grading to student participation.

Artificial intelligence and immersive technologies will lead the sector to expand the learning experience by offering new perspectives. Websites like ChatGPT, on the other hand, will provide new solutions for learning disabilities and language barriers.

With the help of ACER specialists, we review what the five trends in EdTech will be for 2024.

This learning method began to be considered effective after the pandemic, when the need highlighted its potential. Its benefits are for both students and teachers, and include the convenience of attending classes from anywhere to the advantages of personalization of learning.

Hybrid education combines online and offline education to provide students with the best of both worlds. The main benefit comes from the responsibility that students adopt. This method also integrates online learning with in-person tasks: keeping track of both requires management and organizational skills.

Additionally, this type of learning encourages independence. Students in this format are often free to manage their time and assignments as they choose, as long as they meet their deadlines. The main benefit is the ability to customize your learning method to best suit your unique characteristics.

This year ChatGPT has been a revolution and has led us to rethink the way we write, read and work. However, this technology is far from reaching its full potential: EdTech is still trying to figure out how it can change the way we teach and learn.

This technology could bring a multitude of benefits to the education sector, such as providing targeted and personalized feedback to help students and teachers identify learning difficulties and address them directly.

Additionally, ChatGPT can support students with learning disabilities or language barriers with writing, reading comprehension, and language learning.

All teachers are aware that capturing students’ attention is increasingly difficult as they become accustomed to interacting with quick and brief stimuli. Immersive technologies can help overcome this challenge.

From augmented reality (AR) to virtual reality (VR), today students have access to a diversified offering of virtual immersive experiences that provide different levels of abstraction from reality. If until a decade ago it was difficult to imagine the current level of accessibility to this type of activities, today students can explore virtual realities from the classroom or even from the comfort of their homes, thanks to virtual reality applications or headsets.

The data allows us to obtain a panoramic view of our realities, also of the students. But this task can be complex for teachers. However, quantum computing can help highlight learning patterns and gaps that may not be visible to the naked eye but have a crucial impact on the learning outcome.

Quantum computing collects a large amount of data, offering unprecedented insights into the student’s learning path, but also into the overall effectiveness of teaching methods. In addition, it can be introduced into the curriculum to familiarize students with a new way of collecting information, offering a broader vision of reality.

Finally, personalized learning will be a major trend next year. This teaching method provides each student with the best curriculum that suits his or her abilities, interests, and talents. This approach is not very common as it is quite demanding, especially without the help of technology.

The key to mastering personalized learning is setting goals, both short-term and long-term. Regular check-in and feedback allow students and teachers to track how the learning path is progressing to address all difficulties in time and adjust direction if necessary.

Technology becomes essential as most teachers deal with large or even multiple classrooms, making it difficult to supervise each student. Instead, today’s students have access to infinite knowledge through the Internet, can live experiences unimaginable in person thanks to virtual reality, and can be supported by devices, software and applications to expand their learning experience.

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