Vocational Training is an option that is increasingly valued both socially and professionally. The perspective of FP until 2035 is that it continues to increase its employability for graduates of the training it offers and is characterized by being a teaching model that combines theory with practice, which has caused many young people to see this training as a opportunity to quickly access the labor market.

However, beyond traditional FP there is a growing option that is sweeping all of Europe: dual FP. What does this type of Vocational Training consist of? What advantages does it offer to those students who take it? Is it better than a traditional FP?

Dual Vocational Training or Dual FP is a type of vocational training that is carried out alternating between the educational center and the company. In this way, classroom learning is combined with practical activity in a real workplace. This training model emerged in Germany but today it is a very common practice in our country.

Interested companies adhere to the training program and are responsible for creating the curricular content of the professional qualification that will be taught. Through a collaboration agreement between the center and the company, students will have a great opportunity to learn first-hand how the labor market for which they are training works.

In Spain, the offer of training cycles in Dual modality depends on the different autonomous communities. Even so, this type of training is offered in both intermediate-level training cycles and higher-level training cycles.

Dual FP has clear benefits for students. Direct contact with a company during their training allows them to learn first-hand about the sector, learning what a day-to-day job is like working in a real position. In this way, young people will improve their professional qualifications, developing specific skills in a real work context.

All of this will also offer them a key opportunity: it will make it easier for them to enter the job market. This will not only be a benefit for young students, but also for companies, which will have the possibility of attracting talent and increasing their workforce.

The difference between a traditional FP and a Dual FP has to do with the relationship between students and companies. In traditional vocational training, students do not have any employment relationship with the company in which they do the internship. In addition, most courses of this type require students to have passed a minimum percentage of theoretical subjects in order to carry out the internship.

However, students who study a Dual FP training cycle are registered with Social Security, receiving a salary from the moment they begin their training. Furthermore, collaboration with companies is immediate; It begins as soon as the course begins. Sometimes the duration of these studies can be 3 years instead of 2 years.

If you are thinking about taking vocational training, Emagister has a wide range of training courses. In the health sector, one of the most in-demand Professional Trainings, the Higher Technician in Dietetics and Nutrition stands out, taught by Campus Training, and the Official FP of Higher Technician in Oral Hygiene from Implika Online.

In the field of commerce there is the Higher Level Training Cycle in International Trade, taught by IFP, and the Higher Level Training Cycle in Administration and Finance, taught by Jesuïtes with the collaboration of the UOC. With them you can reorient your professional career towards the business field.

In the educational field, FORBE’s Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education stands out. And for those who wish to specialize in the IT sector there is the Higher Degree in Web Application Development, taught by CEAC.