The Minister of Social Rights, Pablo Bustinduy, already has the team made up and with it, he begins his journey, which will continue on the path started by the previous head of this department, Ione Belarra. For now, the Family Law will be approved in the new year, which declined due to the call for elections. This will provide more funding for family protection, guaranteeing the right to conciliation.

The minister highlighted that in 2024 “fundamental” measures will be implemented such as the extension of birth permits from 16 to 20 weeks (with part-time work from week 16) and also the remuneration of parental leave.

These permits offer fathers and mothers the right to have 8 weeks of leave per child during their first 8 years of life. Bustinduy’s commitment, in compliance with the government agreement and a directive from the European Parliament, is to start paying 4 of the 8 weeks. This permit will allow parents to take care of their children, for example, during the September vacation week or at Easter.

In terms of consumption, the minister announced that at the beginning of next year 2024 the Law on Customer Service Services will also be approved, a measure that in his words “will return to citizens the ability to fully exercise their rights as customers.” .

The standard includes achievements for consumers such as the establishment of maximum waiting periods for companies to respond to complaints and telephone queries. In the case of complaints, the maximum period will be 15 days, and 3 minutes in telephone consultations.

Bustinduy reaffirmed his commitment to the 2030 Agenda. In fact, the minister announced that Spain will appear before the United Nations in July 2024 to undergo the voluntary national examination in which Spain’s progress regarding the 2030 Agenda is reported.

This examination will take place at the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development and will evaluate the 17 sustainable development goals acquired by our country before the international community.

However, the Minister of Social Rights has said nothing about whether he will recover the project that the previous Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, wanted to launch, to prohibit the advertising of unhealthy foods.