After a year and a half of prohibition, Plaza México, the largest in the world (50,000 seats) will be able to reopen its doors to bullfighting. This is how the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ruled unanimously on December 6, thus nullifying the suspension of bullfighting celebrations in the Insurgentes Arena, where the last bullfight was held on May 15, 2022.

The Court of Justice, chaired by Minister Jasmin Esquivel, together with the other three ministers that make up the Second Chamber, have unanimously determined “the illegality of the interlocutory resolution by which the definitive suspension of bullfighting activity in La México was granted.” , presented by Judge Bass.

Among the arguments of the aforementioned Judge Bass for the prohibition was that of environmental protection, to which the Justice responds that such a thing does not imply the absolute protection of all animals, even less the brave bull, bred by humans to his fight.

The anti-bullfighting movement in the countries of bullfighting America, from Mexico to Colombia, passing through Ecuador, Peru or Venezuela and which has extensive media and economic support from groups such as, among others, AnimaNaturalis which also operates in Spain (the Catalan ban , later repealed by the TC, is among its “achievements”) thus suffers a setback whose consequences could go beyond the DF Bullring and serve as a precedent for other similar processes in Mexican bullrings, such as very recently the one in Guadalajara.

Throughout the day, many professionals and hundreds of bullfighting fans had gathered in the vicinity of the Supreme Court in the capital, and upon learning of the resolution they burst into joy.

Plaza México, which has seen all the great bullfighting figures triumph there, both national (the saga of the Armillita, the Silvetti, Procuna, Arruza, Cavazos, El Pana…) and from other countries, including the Spaniards (from Manolete to José Tomás. passing through Camino, Ponce, El Juli…) will once again open their doors to bullfighting and the groups will do the parade, after a thunderous ole! that springs up on the lines, to the sound of the pasodoble “Cielo Andaluz”.

It will be the triumph of freedom.