A sub-inspector of the Oviedo Local Police has been arrested by other Citizen Security agents accused of a crime against road safety for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol.

As confirmed by the Councilor for Citizen Security, José Ramón Prado, the events occurred this Monday afternoon, when the agent, who was off duty, drove his private vehicle in the opposite direction along a city road. The mayor has made it clear that the police officer was not wearing an agent’s uniform or any identification.

Prado regretted this “unpleasant fact” and pointed out that the detained agent “made a mistake like any other citizen.” “That in his working life he is a police officer is something that worries me,” he added, although he has said that he is more worried “as a psychologist” than as a councilor responsible for Citizen Security. “It makes me understand, as I have suspected for a long time, that this person has a problem,” he acknowledged.

In fact, this sub-inspector of the Oviedo Local Police was already involved in a similar matter for having driven his motorcycle under the influence of alcohol and crashing into a car last April in La Manjoya.

The sub-inspector will undergo a quick trial this Wednesday, and the mayor responsible for the Corps has indicated that he will wait for the hearing to take place and what the judge determines to assess whether he will carry out disciplinary measures. On the sidelines, he added that “what he needs is support and help” since Prado is “sure” that he “has a problem.”