A resident of Liérganes was arrested for attacking moving cars twice

The Civil Guard of Cantabria has arrested a 27-year-old man from Liérganes for jumping on two occasions at moving vehicles that were circulating through this town and causing damage of more than 5,000 euros. A behavior that could be due to alcohol and drug use.

The first time took place on the afternoon of December 1, when the detainee, who was walking along a street in Liérganes, jumped on the front of a moving car, causing serious damage to the hood, the front window and the left rearview mirror, valued at more than 2,000 euros.

On January 17, also in the afternoon, he repeated his action again and pounced on another car that was circulating through the town. He hit the right side of the vehicle and caused damage to both doors worth 3,000 euros.

After having the description of the alleged perpetrator of the events, the Civil Guard suspected that it could be the same man, who has been identified and arrested this month as the alleged perpetrator of two vehicle damage crimes.

According to the Civil Guard, the young man could have acted in this way influenced by the consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances.

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