Genius and madness are barely separated by a thin line. Some ideas change the world, but human history is also full of failed experiments that were intended as a breakthrough and ultimately turned out to be dismal failures. And this is one of those cases. An idea that arose in World War II and was never put into practice.

Archaeologists from MOLA, an independent research company, have discovered the remains of an experimental catapult that was developed at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in England. The device, called Mark III, was developed by Royal Aircraft to literally launch bombers into the air.

The prototype discovered was built between 1938 and 1940 in Oxfordshire, after three years of design work. The catapult was made up of a large rotating platform that directed the planes towards one of the two concrete runways that were only 82 meters long.

For launch, the planes would be attached to an underground pneumatic ram using a tow hook. Then, 12 Rolls-Royce Kestrel aero engines would power the pneumatic ram with high-pressure air and it would move rapidly along the runway, literally catapulting the big bombers into the sky.

This design was part of a series of innovations and experimentations that occurred before and during World War II. “Unfortunately, this was an idea that literally never took off. The prototype had several problems, including the wear of the engines and that its layout did not adapt to the aircraft for which it was intended,” say the experts.

There were, however, several reasons why this type of catapults were developed, including being able to launch bombers using shorter runways and loaded with more fuel. But the project never took hold and was quickly abandoned.

Once scrapped, the mechanism was removed, the structure was filled in, and in 1941 a normal runway was built at the end of the south arm. However, it paved the way for other launch designs, such as the CAM system used in the early part of World War II to protect merchant ships.

CAM ships played a vital role in the most difficult moments of the Battle of the Atlantic. They were equipped with catapults and fighter planes, which were launched on the high seas to provide air cover for Allied supply convoys.

English archaeologists completely excavated the concrete remains in Harwell, most of which had been buried since the 40s of the last century. Although its existence was known through historical records, this work allowed the structure to be studied in incredible detail for the first time.

“This fascinating structure reminds us of the rapid experimentation and innovation of the interwar years and the Second World War. Fundamentally, recording the location and appearance means that the catapult will be preserved in a record for future generations,” explains researcher Susan Porter in a statement.

Furthermore, by gathering hundreds of photographs and thousands of data, MOLA specialists have been able to faithfully recreate a 3D digital replica of the remains. This allows the public and future researchers to explore the Mark III catapult from the comfort of their own home.

The excavations also uncovered finds from a later nearby runway, including large lights approximately one meter square, and a previously unknown gun emplacement that originally defended the runway from attacks.