Dr. María Núñez, member of the Executive Committee of the General Council of Dentists, has highlighted the importance of green vegetables for oral health, since vitamins A and E “protect the gums and bone around the teeth, preventing bone loss.”

This was expressed this Thursday within the framework of the presentation of the ‘Oral health and nutrition’ campaign, with the aim of raising awareness among the general population about the importance of diet in oral health.

Food plays “a crucial role” in the prevention of oral diseases and in maintaining good oral health, so following a healthy and balanced diet will help maintain a mouth in optimal condition at all stages of life. , as pointed out by the president of the Council, Óscar Castro.

Nutritional health requires the adequate provision of vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other micronutrients to cells and organs to sustain life.

In fact, there is a strong association between nutrition and oral health conditions with many interrelated factors. Thus, malnutrition can influence maxillofacial growth, dental diseases, oral mucosa and promote oral cancer.

Similarly, poor oral health can affect daily dietary intake, consequently degrading nutritional status. Likewise, during the event it was recalled that dental diseases negatively impact self-esteem and quality of life in general. Therefore, identification and management of oral health conditions and nutrition-related problems are important to improve the health and quality of life of affected people.

In addition to green vegetables, among other tips, the dentist recalled that a good way to ingest vitamins from lime or lemon is by adding these fruits to recipes, instead of ingesting them in juices, since this format “affects the enamel.” and promotes sensitivity”.

Finally, he remembered the importance of brushing. “The dragging of the brush, the mechanical action, is essential so that no food remains remain. The use of interproximal brushes and the complement of a rinse or mouthwash is an extra that we add to hygiene,” said Núñez, who recalled the need to do it three times a day for two minutes.

Likewise, it is necessary to change the brushes every three months and “use a small amount of paste.” “Sometimes the paste masks the mechanical action of the brush, causes a lot of foam and it seems that the process is already finished, but no. For children, the amount equivalent to a grain of rice is recommended,” he concluded.

In total, 1,100 dentists have registered for this campaign. The president of the Council has highlighted that their collaboration is “essential” to convey to patients the benefits of an adequate diet on oral health.

“With this initiative we reiterate our commitment to promoting healthy habits, so that in this way we can, synergistically, achieve good general and oral health,” he says. Finally, he has reported on the creation of the website https://saludoralynutricion.es/ where you can find detailed information on this issue that is so relevant to health.