Why does my cat ask for more food if its bowl is full?

Cats are domestic animals that equally fascinate and confuse their owners. It seems that one can never be sure that this peculiar behavior of the feline is due simply to its personality, or to certain attitudes that are shared by all of its species and that are unknown to humans in general. One of the main nests of doubts has to do with food, specifically with the fact that cats ask for food even though their feeder is full. A custom that can become a headache for those who want to prevent cat overweight.

Why does this happen? What exactly do they want? For a cat to meow at its owner for more food, even though his bowl is full, is often seen as fun and witty. But the reality is that it is not a simple whim of the animal, there is a good reason that explains the reason for this behavior.

The situation is always the same. Your cat comes to you giving you a string of meows. So you go to his feeder to check that he has food. And what you find is that the container is full of feed around the edges, but empty right in the center. It is not a mania or a requirement, as one might think of cats due to that conceited touch so theirs. The problem is that this feeder is not the right one for him.

The key to everything is in their whiskers. These rigid structures that cats have on the sides of their snouts have nerve endings that serve as sensors. They use them for a whole series of purposes: orient themselves, detect atmospheric aspects, such as humidity or pressure, calculate if they can enter certain spaces, offer them information at close range, feel and decipher vibrations. In short, they represent something essential in your day to day.

And this means that they are highly sensitive. That is why feeders that are too narrow or with pronounced edges, also deep ones, are the enemy of any cat. Since their mustaches will prevent them from eating comfortably and even less from reaching certain spaces. That’s why they only eat the food in the center, since it’s the one they have easy access to, but not the food around the edges of the container, because they don’t want to hurt themselves by having to strain their facial muscles to access those corners. The solution is very simple, it will be enough to opt for another feeder, which is wide and with low edges, so that their whiskers do not run into obstacles when eating.

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