Some people dream about the monster from the horror movie they saw that same night, others relive traumatic events from their past, and there are those who seem to have them without any apparent explanation. But if one thing is clear, it is that it is one of the reasons why some people rest poorly, it is nightmares. An element that makes you talk at length, inspiration for movies, books and all kinds of stories. However, what exactly are nightmares and why do they occur?

Psychologist Mariano García Gómez explains that nightmares are nothing more than a psychopathological phenomenon, which consists of experiencing unpleasant dreams that trigger negative emotions, such as fear or even anxiety. Their content varies completely depending on the person in question. Furthermore, they can be reflections of a real experience, be a totally fantastic conception, or combine both. The specialist specifies that nightmares appear during the REM phase, between 90 and 110 minutes of the sleep cycle. But why?

What differentiates a dream from a nightmare is that the second presents threatening content, as Mariano García Gómez indicates. They cause negative sensations in people and cause the sensation obtained to be one of deep discomfort and tiredness. The causes behind nightmares are more than varied.