They appear at any time and at all hours. No matter how much you try to scare them away as if it were an annoying fly, they come back again and again. And they don’t even usually change, they are the same messages repeated non-stop. What is known as ruminating thoughts, a psychological phenomenon that, although it does not consist of a pathology in itself, can be part of others and become something that considerably affects emotional health.

Rumination consists of getting trapped by a thought, be it an idea or a problem, which you unconsciously and obsessively turn to without stopping. And this does nothing but cause discomfort, stress and even anxiety. Ruminating thoughts prevent the person from thinking and it can be difficult to escape from this situation.

Constantly dealing with rumination goes way beyond dealing with annoying thoughts. The psychological damage that they are capable of causing is considerable, especially if they are associated with some type of pathology.

It is true that, after a certain point, it can be difficult to get out of ruminating thoughts, but there are methods that will greatly help to reverse this situation. One of the most recommended is the practice of sport. Since physical activity is an excellent way to generate endorphins, which will be responsible for promoting concentration and improving mood and well-being. A de-stressing and very positive resource.

Another option, which can be combined or substituted for the previous one, would be to take walks in the fresh air. The benefits of walking are numerous, as is the case with sports, the release of endorphins is stimulated and anxiety levels are reduced. Going for a walk daily, even for half an hour or an hour, will relax your mind and body. A moment of disconnection that will help leave ruminating thoughts behind. A technique that is also recommended is meditation or mindfulness, mainly because of its relaxing effect and also as a promoter of concentration.

However, people who suffer from rumination must also support themselves in their immediate environment. Share these thoughts and the feelings of discomfort they cause with someone you trust. And, if the situation does not subside, it will be necessary to go to a professional to receive psychotherapy. In this way, each case will be studied in a personalized way, thus identifying the most effective method to deal with ruminant thoughts and make them disappear.