The love for animals is a feeling that marks the personality, the vocation and even the day to day of many people. In fact, Spain can give a good example of this, since, according to a study, Spaniards spend the most time with their pets. Having a cat, a couple of dogs, a rabbit or a ferret are some of the most popular options in homes. However, the fact that they are all part of the same family nucleus, or that the number of animals is even greater, could indicate a psychological problem.

It is about Noah syndrome, a disorder that is dangerous for the person who suffers from it and, above all, for all those animals that may be suffering the consequences. What at first might seem like a great love for these living beings, in some cases is nothing more than a pathology that requires intervention as soon as possible.

Noah’s syndrome is a psychiatric disorder that consists of the accumulation of animals in a pathological way. People who suffer from this pathology obsessively buy, adopt or collect animals from the street, the most common cases being those related to dogs and cats.

The main problem with this is that these people lose control and are unable to provide proper care for these animals. So they will find themselves in precarious and overcrowded conditions. In the worst cases, they could even die due to poor health and hygiene conditions, lack of veterinary care, or even insufficient nutrition.

This type of mental disorder is framed within the hoarding behavior, as is the case of the Diogenes syndrome. But, instead of objects, the Noah syndrome has to do with animals. Each case may differ from one another, since there are people who are aware of their problem and recognize it, while others are unable to do so or are completely dissociated from reality.