Before the baby arrives in the world, its parents face new challenges, such as choosing the best crib, deciding how it will be fed or preparing for the care that the newborn will require. However, once he is home, her parents will have to face more stressful situations, especially those that have to do with her health. And one of the reasons that often scares new parents is noticing that one side of the baby’s head is flatter than the other.

Although at first it may be somewhat shocking, the reality is that it is a condition that usually disappears over time and with the proper treatment. If this fact is discovered, the most important thing will be to go to the doctor so that he is the one who issues an appropriate diagnosis. However, since it is something that can happen, it will be advisable for mothers and fathers to know what exactly flat head syndrome in children is.

The structure of the baby’s skull is made up of bones arranged in the form of plates that are soft and flexible, this is so because space must be left for the brain and its growth. Due to this condition, it may be the case that flat head syndrome appears, that is, when an area of ​​​​the back or side of the skull is flattened. The main reason this happens has to do with the child’s posture.

In cases in which a baby spends too much time lying with their head to one side, the weight of the head gradually affects that area until the flattening of that part of the skull can be affected. That is why it is always recommended to keep babies in a position on their backs while they sleep, since they spend many hours on this activity, and this is the safest position for them.

This not only has to do with when he stays in his crib, but also in other places. For example, in the car seat, if you spend a lot of time in it. As well as in baby carriers or strollers, even in other spaces, such as a rocking chair. That is why you should always take care of the baby’s posture.

However, this condition can be reversed and will not affect the growth of the child’s brain. As a treatment, the use of corrective measures and patience will be used, over time it will be possible to alter the flattened area so that it acquires that desired rounded shape.