A term that has become fashionable on social networks and that returns an overwhelming amount of content in the TikTok search engine: the “almost something.” Advice, reflections, videos where they are approached with humor and others where someone who has experienced them advises against embarking on one. But what exactly is an “almost something” relationship?

Psychologist María Alejandra Sánchez, in her blog Psiconfort, defines “almost somethings” as “those romantic couples with whom you cannot define the terms of the relationship, so the bond probably does not become truly official.” “These relationships can be based on circumstances of convenience or short-term,” explains Sánchez, while she clarifies that “that does not mean that they cannot have some characteristics of more conventional relationships, including emotional connection.”

The psychologist warns that “the trap of almost somethings is that, in general, the limits are extremely diffuse, so both parties can want different things from the relationship without either being aware of the other’s intentions.” That is, it is an unlabeled relationship, in which no commitments or limits are established. They are not dating, but sometimes they behave like one and, on other occasions, like two strangers. Precisely for this reason, we must be careful when having an “almost something” relationship.

According to the psychologist, “almost somethings” are not necessarily bad, but “they will work or not for you depending on the life stage you are in, what you are looking for in a relationship and what is important to you currently in the future.” couple bonds.” For relationships to work without formalities, it is important that you know yourself well, know what you want, and communicate those desires.

However, if you don’t know where you stand in the relationship or one party wants more commitment, that’s when problems arise. “The same anguish that is intended to be avoided by the lack of labels can also appear and, sometimes, with greater intensity,” the psychologist warns on her blog.