What insects can we give turtles for food?

Although you tend to think that these are pets of a so-called “low maintenance”, it is not something that corresponds to reality. How much do you know about the care these animals need? The environment that it will inhabit will depend to a large extent on its species, in addition to the optimal temperature it needs, exposure to the sun’s rays. As well as other various care to take into account, for example, do you have to clean the shell of the turtles? And, of course, the big topic: food.

Unfortunately, the diet that turtles are fed as pets is often one of the most mistaken aspects of their care. Generally, due to ignorance. For example, in the case of aquatic turtles. Since no, the gammarus type shrimp that are usually marketed as food should not be provided more than as a complement, not as a basis for their diet. On the other hand, there are highly recommended alternatives: insects.

Each type of turtle requires a different diet, so it is important to differentiate between two large groups: land turtles and aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles. This will also influence the amount of insects that are recommended to contribute, since tortoises tend to require less protein intake. Another relevant factor will be age, since, for example, the popular Florida turtles, when they are young, need a greater amount of protein.

In the case of aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles, the insects that are recommended to be provided are mainly crickets, amphibian larvae, earthworms, worms, crustaceans and small fish. However, it should be remembered that the amount supplied to them will be greater at their earliest ages. Since as they grow, the diet must be omnivorous, including fruit and vegetables.

The situation of tortoises is different, since the basis of their diet is fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition to that, the insects that are advised to supply them are earthworms, slugs and grasshoppers, but only occasionally.

An adequate diet is the basis of the health of these animals, since this will prevent them from suffering some of the most frequent diseases that they usually suffer from. A clear example of this is the strength of the shell, for which it will be key to offer the turtle a balanced and appropriate diet for its species and age.

Proper proportions between proteins, vegetables, fruits and vitamins in your daily diet will help prevent some diseases or disorders such as constipation, diarrhea or soft shell, one of the most common.

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