It is quite normal and understandable for a bus or a car to turnaround for some reason. But when it comes to a plane, we all would want to know the reason that can actually make it turnaround.

Because of that we are here to feed your curiosity and actually tell you some weird reasons for airplane turnarounds. That being said, juts take a few away from casinos online games for real and enjoy reading this post.

Water in the Plane

Movie lovers remember one of the popular horrors snakes on the plane, well this time it is not about snakes but a whole river on the plane.  Once a Qantas flight that was going to Melbourne from Los Angeles was turned back just an hour into the air when people started noticing water rushing down the aisle. Passengers started panicking and the pilot turned the plane back. The water allegedly came from the plane’s drinking water supply.

Nut Rage Incident

This is one funny yet weird story. The Korean air executive vice president Heather Cho was offended with the way she was served macadamia nuts by the junior flight attendant. This led her to kick the aircraft’s head flight attendant off the plane.

The flight was forced to return to the gate at the Airport just to kick someone of the plane. Cho was later sentenced to a whole year in prison for this action. It was regarded as obstructing aviation safety. The flight attendant also sued the airline.

Smelly Poo

Once upon a time a British Airway flight going to Dubai was forced to turn back because of a smell that was in the cabin. The passengers claimed that there was an unbearable smelly poo.

The odour was too much for the passengers and unfortunately the cabin crew could not fix the problem. Passengers seated next to the toilet said it was way worse such that the plane had to turn back. After 30 minutes the plane turned back for safety reasons. Imagine enjoying your best online casino games and this happens.

I’m uncomfortable!

Well when you pay for a comfortable flight you mean a comfortable one for real well in this case a plane had to make an unscheduled landing because of one passenger.

One man was denied the ability to recline their seat to have some personal space it led to a much hearted argument.

This is because another passenger was making use of a knee defender and unfortunately it prevents the person in front from reclining their own seat. This argument saw the plane diverting to Chicago for an emergency stop.