The weeks of pregnancy continue to advance at an accelerated pace and there is less and less left for the moment of giving birth. For this reason, the 34th week of pregnancy is a good time to finish the last details in the baby’s room, review your birth plan and have the hospital bag ready.

The baby has grown so large that it barely has room to move inside the womb. For this reason, many children are already in the position they will have at birth. The vast majority are positioned head down, while others will come breech. In any case, it is still possible for her to turn over before delivery and you will notice some of her movements, although with less intensity than before.

At week 34 of pregnancy, the baby measures about 40 centimeters and weighs around two kilos. He already shows an appearance very similar to what he will have when he is born, with smooth and dull skin. As the layer of fat that covers their skin – called vernix – thickens, they also lose their lanugo, a very fine hair, although some babies still have some of that hair when they are born.

His digestive system is highly developed and his lungs are also maturing at full speed with the production of surfactant, a fundamental substance for him to breathe on his own. If there were to be a preterm birth in the 34th week of pregnancy, the chances of survival are almost 100%. However, in some cases it would be necessary to administer corticosteroids to mature their lungs.

As the due date approaches, it is increasingly common to feel Braxton Hicks contractions, with which the body prepares to give birth. You’ll differentiate them from real labor contractions because Braxton Hicks contractions come on irregularly and ease up if you change your position. Instead, labor contractions occur at regular time intervals and are more intense.

Another common symptom at this stage is feeling pain in the pelvis, because the baby descends into this area, exerting greater pressure and exacerbating back pain. The discomfort in the lower back and sciatica is especially pressing, as a result of the curve of the belly. Pain in the ribs also usually appears, causing intercostal neuritis, which occurs due to the repositioning of certain organs to make room for the baby.

Following the path of typical symptoms of the 34th week of pregnancy, there is the increase in the breasts and the tightness in the skin of these, as well as the legs, buttocks and abdomen. Stay hydrated and apply cream to relieve itching and prevent stretch marks. Swelling in the feet and legs, as well as constipation and bleeding gums complete the equation of recurring discomfort. Consult your doctor to alleviate any of them and be able to enjoy the final stretch of your pregnancy as much as possible.