During pregnancy, the woman’s body undergoes various changes, both internal and external. One of them, very common, is the appearance of stretch marks. These scars appear on the skin before sudden weight gain or loss. The skin cannot adapt or stretch sufficiently and the collagen and elastin fibers break, giving rise to these characteristic marks, which are very difficult to remove once they appear. So, it is best to prevent them to prevent them from appearing as much as possible.

During pregnancy it is normal to gain weight throughout the body, in addition of course to the increase in the belly due to the growth of the baby. Thus, the skin cannot stretch at the same rate and stretch marks appear. To this we must add that the dermis is more sensitive and dry, due to hormonal changes and the increase in estrogen levels. The abdomen is the area where stretch marks are most likely to appear, but not the only one, as they are also common on the arms, breasts, buttocks, and thighs. With a series of tips, you can prevent stretch marks both during pregnancy and postpartum.