With the arrival of heat, it is common for us to feel more tired, heavy and clumsy and even for our blood pressure to drop. But also, another circumstance derived from high temperatures is the swelling of feet, ankles and legs. It occurs because the heat dilates the veins and capillaries, hindering venous return and circulation, also resulting in greater fluid retention.

Although anyone can suffer from it, it is especially common in the elderly, as well as in women, especially during pregnancy or menopause. Overweight people, those who lead a sedentary life, an inadequate diet rich in salt and sugar, people with heart disease, diabetes or hypothyroidism, as well as following the intake of certain medicines.

If the foot swelling problem is very recurring and annoying, it is best to see a doctor to check that it is not an underlying pathology. Once this circumstance has been ruled out, there are a series of simple but very effective remedies to relieve swollen feet, ankles and legs due to heat.